Academic Leadership Charter School
New York City
Bronx CSD 7
grade span
K-8 for 2023-24 / K-8 at End of Charter Term
798 for 2023-24 / 931 at End of Charter Term
Academic Leadership Charter Elementary School
Grades K-4
677 East 141st Street Bronx NY 10454
Leena Thomas, Principal
Academic Leadership Charter Middle School
Grades 5-8
470 Jackson Ave Bronx NY 10455
Leena Thomas, Principal
Norma Figueroa-Hurwitz , Founder and Executive Director
School Mission
Academic Leadership’s mission is to develop in students the ability to exceed NYS performance standards in all major academic areas in a safe and nurturing environment. In partnership with parents and the community, our students will be empowered to become leaders and take an active role in their learning while exhibiting good character.
Report Type Date Report
Accountability Plan Progress Report 10/11/2023 View
Audited Financial Statements 06/30/2023 View
Renewal Report 10/06/2022 View
Renewal Resolution 10/06/2022 View
Accountability Plan Progress Report 08/25/2022 View
Accountability Plan Progress Report 08/11/2021 View
Audited Financial Statements 06/30/2021 View
Accountability Plan Progress Report 09/11/2020 View
Audited Financial Statements 06/30/2020 View
Accountability Plan Progress Report 09/23/2019 View
Audited Financial Statements 06/30/2019 View
Accountability Plan Progress Report 10/31/2018 View
Audited Financial Statements 06/30/2018 View
Renewal Resolution 04/24/2018 View
Renewal Report 04/24/2018 View
Transfer Resolution 10/11/2017 View
Audited Financial Statements 06/30/2017 View