Board Resources, Tools & Model Documents

Board members at SUNY Authorized charter schools are entrusted with critical governance responsibilities, including conducting rigorous oversight, setting clear priorities, monitoring Accountability Plans, holding school leaders accountable for student achievement, and ensuring the viability of the organization. The Institute is committed to assisting board members with these duties through direct consultation and access to the array of tools and training included in this Resource Center.



Model Documents

Data Informed Decision Making
Each school board should determine what data is important to track. This a sample of data that schools may monitor. The board should determine the best method for data representation, including tables, charts, and graphs.
Each board should establish and implement plans to evaluate and assess the performance of school leaders and their own performance as the board..
School Leader Evaluation

Each school establish and implement an instrument for evaluating their school leaders comprising clearly outlined goals and qualitative and quantitative metrics.

Charter Management Organization (CMO) Evaluation

This document is meant to provide an example only. Not all criteria will apply to all schools and CMOs. Each individual education corporation board retains ultimate responsibility to evaluate employees and service providers based on the criteria set by that individual board in response to its own strategic goals.

Board Self Assessment

Each board must determine the best way to assess its own work against the goals and priorities it has defined.

  • Sample: Board Meeting Self Assessment Tool This board self-assessment is meant to be used in the moment after a regular board meeting as a quick assessment of whether that meeting was effective, and how future meetings could be improved. This tool is not meant to be used for a broader year-end or long-term board self-assessment.
  • Model: Board Self Assessment Tool  This document may be used to assess their efficacy and reflect on steps for development each year (or other timeframe). This model is provided as a sample only. Each Board should individually consider and implement whichever tools it finds most effective in assessing progress against the goals and metrics it has set for its education corporation.
Each individual Board of Trustees must evaluate and select appropriate measures that fit their long term strategy and planning.