
Rochester Academy of Science Charter School

Districts: Buffalo City School District, Rochester City School District

First Notice – The SUNY Trustees have received the following revision application:

Rochester Academy of Science Charter School, a charter school education corporation authorized by SUNY, located at 150 Floverton Street and 545 Humboldt Street, Rochester, NY 14610 in the Rochester City School District seeks to merge with Buffalo Academy of Science Charter School, a charter school education corporation authorized by the New York State Board of Regents (“Board of Regents”), currently operating two charter schools, Buffalo Academy of Science Charter School and Buffalo Academy of Science Charter School II, located at 190 Franklin Street, Buffalo, NY 14202 and 335 Doat Street, Buffalo, NY 14211 in the Buffalo City School District such that when the merger is approved, Buffalo Academy of Science Charter School would be the successor education corporation under the proposed name “BrightSci Schools.”

The SUNY Trustees, or their designees, the SUNY Charter Schools Committee, anticipate consideration of this application as early as January 30, 2024.  The Institute welcomes any comments you may wish to provide.  Please direct any comments or questions to [email protected] with the subject line “Rochester Academy of Science Charter School Revision Application.”